Monday, July 12, 2010

What is Log Shipping?

You can use log shipping to send transaction logs from one database (the primary database) to another (the secondary database) on a constant basis. Continually backing up the transaction logs from a primary database and then copying and restoring them to a secondary database keeps the secondary database nearly synchronized with the primary database. Should the production server fail, all you have to do is point the users to the new server, and you are all set. Well, it’s not really that easy, but it comes close if you put enough effort into your log shipping setup. The destination server acts as a backup server and provides a way to reallocate query processing from the primary server to one or more read-only secondary servers. Log shipping can be used with databases using the full or bulk-logged recovery models.
Log shipping consists of three operations:

1. Back up the transaction log at the primary server instance.
2. Copy the transaction log file to the secondary server instance.
3. Restore the log backup on the secondary server instance.

The log can be shipped to multiple secondary server instances. In such cases, operations 2 and 3 are duplicated for each secondary server instance.

A log shipping configuration does not automatically fail over from the primary server to the secondary server. If the primary database becomes unavailable, any of the secondary databases can be brought online manually.

Log Shipping Jobs

Log shipping involves four jobs, which are handled by dedicated SQL Server Agent jobs. These jobs include the backup job, copy job, restore job, and alert job.

The user controls how frequently log backups are taken, how frequently they are copied to each secondary server, and how frequently they are applied to the secondary database. To reduce the work required to bring a secondary server online, for example after the production system fails, you can copy and restore each transaction log backup soon after it is created. Alternatively, perhaps on a second secondary server, you can delay applying transaction log backups to the secondary database. This delay provides an interval during which you can notice and respond to a failure on the primary, such as accidental deletion of critical data.

Backup Job
A backup job is created on the primary server instance for each primary database. It performs the backup operation, logs history to the local server and the monitor server, and deletes old backup files and history information. By default, this job will run every 15 minutes, but the interval is customizable.
When log shipping is enabled, the SQL Server Agent job category "Log Shipping Backup" is created on the primary server instance.

Copy Job
A copy job is created on each secondary server instance in a log shipping configuration. This job copies the backup files from the primary server to a configurable destination on the secondary server and logs history on the secondary server and the monitor server. The copy job schedule, which is customizable, should approximate the backup schedule.
When log shipping is enabled, the SQL Server Agent job category "Log Shipping Copy" is created on the secondary server instance.

Restore Job
A restore job is created on the secondary server instance for each log shipping configuration. This job restores the copied backup files to the secondary databases. It logs history on the local server and the monitor server, and deletes old files and old history information. The SQL Server job category "Log Shipping Restore" is created on the secondary server instance when log shipping is enabled.
On a given secondary server instance, the restore job can be scheduled as frequently as the copy job, or the restore job can delayed. Scheduling these jobs with the same frequency keeps the secondary database as closely aligned with the primary database as possible to create a warm standby database.
In contrast, delaying restore jobs, perhaps by several hours, can be useful in the event of a serious user error, such as a dropped table or inappropriately deleted table row. If the time of the error is known, you can move that secondary database forward to a time soon before the error. Then you can export the lost data and import it back into the primary database.

Alert Job
If a monitor server is used, an alert job is created on the monitor server instance. This alert job is shared by the primary and secondary databases of all log shipping configurations using this monitor server instance. Any change to the alert job (such as rescheduling, disabling, or enabling the job) affects all databases using that monitor server. This job raises alerts (for which you must specify alert numbers) for primary and secondary databases when backup and restore operations have not completed successfully within specified thresholds. You must configure these alerts to have an operator receive notification of the log shipping failure. The SQL Server Agent job category "Log Shipping Alert" is created on the monitor server instance when log shipping is enabled.
If a monitor server is not used, alert jobs are created locally on the primary server instance and each secondary server instance. The alert job on the primary server instance raises errors when backup operations have not completed successfully within a specified threshold. The alert job on the secondary server instance raises errors when local copy and restore operations have not completed successfully within a specified threshold.

A Typical Log Shipping Configuration

The following figure shows a log shipping configuration with the primary server instance, three secondary server instances, and a monitor server instance. The figure illustrates the steps performed by backup, copy, and restore jobs, as follows:
The primary server instance runs the backup job to back up the transaction log on the primary database. This server instance then places the log backup into a primary log-backup file, which it sends to the backup folder. In this figure, the backup folder is on a shared directory—the backup share.
Each of the three secondary server instances runs its own copy job to copy the primary log-backup file to its own local destination folder.
Each secondary server instance runs its own restore job to restore the log backup from the local destination folder onto the local secondary database.
The primary and secondary server instances send their own history and status to the monitor server instance.

Benefits of Log Shipping

While I have already talked about some of the benefits of log shipping, let's take a more comprehensive look:

  • Log shipping doesn't require expensive hardware or software. While it is great if your standby server is similar in capacity to your production server, it is not a requirement. In addition, you can use the standby server for other tasks, helping to justify the cost of the standby server. 
  • Once log shipping has been implemented, it is relatively easy to maintain. 
  • Assuming you have implemented log shipping correctly, it is very reliable. 
  • The manual failover process is generally very short, typically 15 minutes or less. 
  • Depending on how you have designed your log shipping process, very little, if any, data is lost should you have to failover. The amount of data loss, if any, is also dependent on why your production server failed. 
  • Implementing log shipping is not technically difficult.
Problems with Log Shipping
Let's face it, log shipping is a compromise. It is not the ideal solution, but it is often a practical solution given real-world budget constraints. Some of the problems with log shipping include:

  • Log shipping failover is not automatic. The DBA must still manually failover the server, which means the DBA must be present when the failover occurs. 
  • The users will experience some downtime. How long depends on how well you implemented log shipping, the nature of the production server failure, your network, the standby server, and the application or applications to be failed over. 
  • Some data can be lost, although not always. How much data is lost depends on how often you schedule log shipping and whether or not the transaction log on the failed production server is recoverable. 
  • The database or databases that are being failed over to the standby server cannot be used for anything else. But databases on the standby server not being used for failover can still be used normally. 
  • When it comes time for the actual failover, you must do one of two things to make your applications work: either rename the standby server the same name as the failed production server (and the IP address), or re-point your user's applications to the new standby server. In some cases, neither of these options is practical.

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