Thursday, June 24, 2010


Suppose there is a table Students having the columns StudName, RollNo, TotalMarks.Write a query (in SQL Server) that returns RollNo, Student Name and Total Marks along with the position (based on marks) of the students in the class.
For eg. Suppose table has following records:

The output should be

INSERT INTO [ASPState].[dbo].[Students] ([StudName],[RollNo],[TotalMarks]) VALUES ('212094', 'X', 600)
INSERT INTO [ASPState].[dbo].[Students] ([StudName],[RollNo],[TotalMarks]) VALUES ('212095','Y', 540)
INSERT INTO [ASPState].[dbo].[Students] ([StudName],[RollNo],[TotalMarks]) VALUES ('212096','Z', 580)
INSERT INTO [ASPState].[dbo].[Students] ([StudName],[RollNo],[TotalMarks]) VALUES ('212097','A', 200)
INSERT INTO [ASPState].[dbo].[Students] ([StudName],[RollNo],[TotalMarks]) VALUES ('212098', 'B', 620)

SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY TotalMarks DESC) AS StudPosition FROM Students

1 comment:

  1. SELECT RollNo, StudName, TotalMarks, Dense_Rank() OVER (ORDER BY TotalMarks DESC) AS StudPosition FROM Students ORDER BY StudPosition

    SELECT RollNo, StudName, TotalMarks, Rank() OVER (ORDER BY TotalMarks DESC) AS StudPosition FROM Students ORDER BY StudPosition

    Neha Rohatgi, Satish, Navdeep Singh, Tulika
